Several devotees, scholars,Dasas and Sri Guru Jagannath Dasaru etc, have all described the mahima of Sri Guru Raghavendraru and the sanctity of Mantralaya.It is essential to understand the greatness of Sri Rayaru to attain UDDHAARA in our life. So I would like to present the TULASIMAALA of poems week by week regarding Sri GuruRayaru of Mantralaya.
The wide,vast and abundant matter and things of Mantralaya GuruRaghavendraru are described under the title MANTRALAYA. Rayaru has inspired to have the title.
Tungabhadra river is equal to the river sarayu of Ayodhya. Rayaru has depicted the importance of rivers and their place in seven slokas of Nadi Taramya. We are highly grateful to Rayaru. Whatever may be the water,with devotion taking the names of Ganga and Yamuna, one should take bath and attain Punya.Rayaru is the most benevolent and merciful saint to the people and mankind.
On the bank of this Tungabhadra River Prahladarajaru performed the Yaaga with Bhakti. Rayaru is very dear to NARAHARI. The Mantralaya Rayara Aradhana with all grandeur will continue for hundred mountain years,weekly and daily,Sri VijayaDasaru has described in their padas and sulaadis.Daily Poojas,Rathostavas, sumptuous meals to the devotees,all sorts of devotional and religious enlightenment in Mantralaya. Narahari,Rama,Krishna, Vedavyasaru are here with Rayaru protecting the bhaktas and fulfilling their needs and desires.
Twelve Saaligramas make one Punya Kshetra.In Rayara Brindavana there are Seven Hundred LaxmiNarayana Saaligramas.So Rayara Brindavana Mantralaya is equal to more than Fifty Eight Punya Kshetras.Sri Hari will be in the roopa of Saaligrama.Our Great JagannathaDasaru the author of Hari Katha Mruta Saara has explained the above.We are all indebted to Sri JagannathaDasaru.With all this Rayara Mantralaya is Holy and Sacred. JagannathaDasaru called Mantralaya as "Mantra Niketana". Due to Rayaru Mantralaya has attracted the attention of the world.Systematic pondering of ideas regarding religion,mankind,studies,Mantra Paarayana are always at Mantralaya.Rayaru used and using the Mantra Siddhi to the welfare of the people and protect them.So Mantralaya is the place of Siddhi.
Here in Mantralaya there is no limit-everything is unlimited. Daily Anna Santarpanae(sumptuous food),Bhaagavata,Bharata, Ramayana Shravana will be going on.The whole environment and atmosphere is full of Sanctity and Punya.There is no place equal to Mantralaya,as Sri VijayaDasaru has said... in Mantralaya everything is Samraddhi,Plenty,Abundant.The whole panorama is quite soothing owing to Sri Raghavendra Teertharu.So my heart responded with divinity and joy and fully surrendered to Mantralaya and named the title Mantralaya to these series of poems with Gratitude..
Sitting in Mantralaya Brindavana with Yoga-Siddhi giving liberally everything to bhaktas what ever they ask .Dasavarenyaru are all impressed by Rayaru.
A total sum of all the divine qualities made me to think of Mantralaya Series and Rayaru asked me to convey this house to house, so I am on the way with all of you with these series.
In the seva of Sri Hari Vayu Guru
Raghavendra the Mantralaya series has taken birth.I am a devotee of Rayara
Devotees.Pray for the Welfare of all "SARVE JANAHA SUKHINO BHAVANTU".This
life is for good things said by Dasas, I try my level best to adhere
to this in life.
The structure of the each series is
- begins with the Background of the matter then meaning of the Kannada
poem and finally ends with a poem.
- Raghvendra Patwari