Jayatheerth Vijaya-9
(Allahaba and Kolhapur)
Date : 16 July
The Ardent Knowledge of Jaiteertharu
at Allahabad and Kolhapur are described in Jaiteertha Vijaya(9).
During the Sanchara Jaitra-Yatre Jaiteertharu
fully Blessed by Saraswati- The Goddess of learning. In Allahabad Jaiteertharu
discharged the duties as the Vice-Chancellor of the Universities. He was
honoured and received by all. Did Pathana and Patha with Satisfaction.
He was a lion’s dream to those who wanted to argue with him the Dvaita-Advaita.
Upheld the Philosophy- Tatva of ShreeMadhvacharya to the whole World. The
Historians have Recorded this in the History. It is a Matter of Pride and
Honour to the Saarswata Loka (Men of Letters).Many have nodded and bowed
their Heads for the Sanskrit Knowledge of Jaiteertharu and gave Jayapatras,
Certificates, Testimonials and Manapatras.
During this period Jaiteertharu
visited Kolhapur and took the Darshana of Kolhapur Mahalaxmi. There the
King was a Lover of Knowledge, gave Shelter to several Pandits and enriched
the Vedic Culture. After Hearing the Arrival of Jaiteertharu Pandits invited
for Arguments on Dvaita-Advaita .Happily agreed. On the bank of Panchaganga
in the Vidyaranya Matha the Discussion and Debate Argument started. It
went on for Several days. Jaiteertharu became Victorious in the end. The
way of Presenting the Tatvas with Various Examples appealed them, They
simply Praised. This is a milestone in the field of Religious World. The
Credit goes to Our Malakhed Jaiteertharu. Recording all this the
King of Kolhapur happily honoured and has installed a Victory Pillar Carved
“Vidyaranya jayam sragaala Mathagaha Sphutham Vaktradyapivasan Athopa Kurute
Naatham Swa Bhaktamschayaha”. Shree Gurajala acharya has expressed in the
Seventh Stanza of Shree Jaiteertha Ashtaka. Sragala Matha means Kolhapur.
In the Vidyaranya Math The Pandit surrendered to the Tatvas of Shree Madacharya
and Accepted their Defeat.
The highly learned Pontiff Sri Satya
Priyateertharu in Jaiteertha Stuti has described Jaiteertharu:
Yena gaahi Samasta Shastra Prutana
Ratnakaro Leelaya
Yena Khandi Kuwaadi Sarva Subhatastomo
Saayakaihi Yena Sthaapicha Madhva
Shastra Vijaya Sthambo
Dhara Mandale Tam Seve Jaiteertha
Veera Manisham
Madhwakhya Rajadhratam”
Wherever he had gone became Victorious.Just
like the King Ocean Jaiteertharu is the Lord of the Shastras and is compared
to the Ocean.So the wordings of Satyapriyateertharu are really true and
Jaitra Yatreya Avirata
Sambhrama Vaagdevi Nalidaadi
Jaiteertha Guruvarara.
Ahmedabadina Kulapatiya
Karya Nirvahane
Hotthageya Raashiya Nitya Darshana
Pathana Paathavanella
Chokkatanadali Maadi
Truptiya Bhaavadali
Yellarigu Bekaagi
Vaadigala Paalige Simha Swapnaru
Aagi Sri Madacharyara
Tatvagala Tirulannu
Vishwakke Prakatisi
Charitrekaararu Yella
Ghatanegala Daakhaleya Baravinge
Saaraswata Lokada Abhimana
Premave Aagihudu.
Geervaana Gaeyatege
Panditya Pakvatege
Beragagi Jaya Patra Neediharu.
Sanchara Samayadali
Kolhapuravu Sigalu
Mahalaxmi Darushanadi
Dhanya Raadaru Andu.
Allina Rajanu Sahradayi
Akshara Premi.Halavaaru
Vidwamsa Panditarigaasareya Needi
Belesida Shreyassu.
Panditaru Jayarayaru
Banda Suddiya Keli
Dvaita Advaitada Vaadakke
Kareyittu Aadaradi
Baramaadi Vaakyaartha
Vimalatege Veeleyanu
Avara Maatanu Keli
Jaiteertha Guruvarya
Santasadi Vappidaru
Panchaganga Teeradaliruva
Vidyaranyara Mathadali
Shuruvayitu Vaakyaartha
Vaada Vivaada
Khandane Mandane
Aneka Dinagalu Jarugi
Jaiteertha Yativarya
Vijayavanu Padedaru
Sri Madacharyara Tatva
Pratipaadaneya Yetthi Hidida
Dheera Veera Jaiteertha Yati Shreshta
Panditaru Gnyaanakke
Taledoogi Talebaagi
Gouravisi Kondaadi
Haadi Hogalidarandu
Acharya Tatvagala Chirantana
Satyavanu Prakatisuta Adhyatma
Angaladi Mailigallanu Netta
Yene Illa!
Ee Yella Ghatanegala
Mahamahimara Punyakke
Saakshi Puraave Reetiyali
Geluvina Kambavanu
Kolhapuradali Sthaapaneyaitu Andu.
Vidyaranya Jayam Sraggalamathagaha
Sthambho Yadeeyaha Sphutam
Vaktradyaapivasan Athopakurutae
Naathaan Swabhaktamschaha
Yendu Gurjaalacharyaru
Jaiteertha Ashktakada Yeleneya
Ashtakadi Ghanavaagi Heliharu
Sragaala Mathavendare
Kolhapur Matha
Vidyaranyara Mathada
Panditaru Dvaita Mata
Sri Anandateerthara Anunayada
Amara Preetige Sotu Solannu
Medhavi Gnyaani
Satya Priyateerthara
Sri Jaiteertha Stutiyali
Melina Ghataneyanu
Mattashtu Dhradheekarisi:
Yena Gaahi Samasta Shaastra Prutana
Ratnakaro Leelaya
Yena Khandi Kuvaadi Sarva Subhatastomo
Vachaha Saayakaihi
Yena Sthaapicha MadhwaShaastra
Vijaya Sthambho Dhara Mandale
Tam Seve Jaiteertha Veera Manisham
Madhwakhya Rajadhratam.
Yemba Shlokada Saalugalu
Hodege Digvijaya
Kuvaadigala Sainyavanu
Maatina Baanadi
Khandisida Veera.
Madhwashaastra Vijayasthambhake
Kaaranika Jayaraya
Atyamoolya Vastu Ratnagala
Vadeya Samudrarajana Reeti
Yella Shaastragala Vadeya
Sagaropama Panditya
Jaiteertha Yativarya Yembudanu
Dangurava Sarihudu
Satya Priyateerthara Shlokavadu
Satya Vaakyavu Ditadi.