Jayatheerth Vijaya-8
(Journey to spread knowledge)
Date : 3July 2005
Sri Jaiteertharu acquired the knowledge
by his Great Noble Guru Sri Akshobhyateertharu.Then started Sanchara
and Gnyaana Prasara.Became the vice chancellor of the Buddhist University
at Ahmedabad (Gujarat), India are described in Jaiteertha Vijaya(8).
Malkhed Sri Jaiteertharu under the able
and noble Guidance of Sri Akhshobhyateertharu fully gained and digested
the Sacred Madhwa Philosophy. Set to propagate the Madhwa Siddhanta to
the world.For this Jaiteertharu started the journey-Sanchara. Fine Personality-well
versed with the knowledge and great oratory Power,Jaiteertharu became victorious
in all the Discourses and upheld the Acharya Tatvas. Several
Appraisal letters,Certificates and Testimonials JAYAPATRAS are received.
On His journey-sanchara Sri Jaiteertharu
went to Gujarat and reached Ahmedabad.In those days travelling was difficult
as there were no means of travelling.Abandoned the pomp and show of rich
life, servants and horses. Thus set for HariMata Saara and Prasara.In Ahmedabad
Jaiteertharu was attracted by the famous Library of the Buddhist University.King
Kamadeva was the Administrator and the vice chancellor of that University.He
had heard the name and fame of Sri Jaiteertharu,and said we had some pandits
and you have to defeat them in the Discourse of Vaada-Vivaada,then
only you can enter the University Library.Sri Jaiteertharu agreed with
smile.Kshatriyas and Pandits Will always agree for war and vaada,when ever
they are called.Jaiteertharu defeated all in that Vaada:VAADE VAADE JAAYATAE
King Kamadeva highly pleased and satisfied
with way of presentation of Sri Jaiteertharu.Welcomed with honour to the
University Library. For one year Jaiteertharu discharged the duties
as the Vice Chancellor of that Buddhist University.Did Gnyanopadesha to
several,geared up the Univeersity to the right direction.
King of Gujarat Kamadeva honoured
Sri Jaiteertharu .The stay in Ahmedabad is a great record in the History.There
is an inscription on the stone carved and installed.The Knowledge of Jaiteertharu
is nothing but Knowledge is Power and the Knowledge is Hari Valume.
Akshobhyateerthara Gaarudiya
Garadiyali Acharya Tatvagala
Poorna Paathavu
Yella Vyavasthita Reetiyali
Padeda Jaiteertharu
Arjunamshajaru Shesha Aavesharu
Pari Poorna Pakvateya
Madhwara Tatva Tirulannu
Prachara Vesagalu
Bayasi Sanchara
SarvaMoola Granthada
Saravanu Aadaradi
Saadara Padisida
Jaiteertha Yativarya
Malakheda Jayaraya
Jaitra Yatrege Horata
Dheera Niluvina Vyakti
Tumbida Koda
Hodege Vaakyaartha
Vaada Vivaada Geluavu
JayaPATRA Sara Maale
Gnyaanakke Taledoogi
Baagi Bhaktaradavareshtto!
Deshaatanadali Gujarat Praantada
Ahmedabadanu Talupidaru.
Saahasada Yatreyadu
Eeginolu Vaahana Soukarya
Swalpavoo Iralilla
Aagarbha Shreemanta
Shreshtha Vaihaali
Sakala Sampattu
Yellavanoo Toredu
Hari Matada Saara
Prasarakke Haatoreda
Vairaagya Murtyiya
Manava Seledudu Allina
Bouddha Vishwavidyalayada
Amoolya Pustaka Galiruva
Vishayavadu Viditavu
Allina Raja Kamadeva
Yellavanu Nirvahisi
Jaiteerthara Keertiyanu
Kelidda Kamadeva
Vishwavidyalayada Pravesha
Bayasida Yativarage
Panavondu Vaddidanu.
Illi Panditaruntu Avarodane
Vaadadali Gelavannu
Saadhisi Nantara Vishwavidyalayada
Granthalayada Praveshavanu
Maadi Yendu
Vinayadali Praarthisida.
Veeranu Panditanu
Yuddhakke Vaadakke
Santasdi Vappidaru
Kulapatiya Sammukhadi
Pandita Mandaliyodane
Shuruvayeetu Vaada Vivaada!
Yellarigu Jaiteertharobbare
Samanjasa Uttarisi Vaadigala
Geddu Vijayavanu Padedaru.
Dore Kamadeva Jaiteerthara
Panditya Pakvataege Taledoogi
Swagatava Koridanu.
Gnyaana Premi Jaiteertha
Yativarya Vishwavidyalayada
Grantha Raashiya Nodi
Nalidaadi Truptiyali Tegidaru.
Kaaranaantaradinda Vandu Varusha
Bouddha Vishwa Vidyalayada
Shreshtha Aadalitava
Nirvahisi Yellaranu
Dangu Badisida Reeti
Charitreyadu Maretilla.
Vishwa Vidyalayada
Gnyaana Pipaasugaligella
Oudaaryadali Maadi
Keertiyanu Galisidaru.
Gurugala Pandityavanu Mecchi
Raja Maryadeyali Gouravisi
Krutaarthanaadanu Andu.
Idara Nenapige Dore Shilaashaasanava
Kettisi Sthaapisi Vishwakke
Prakatisida Hiriya Chetana
Yelle Irali Hiritanava Meredu
Jagadvikhyataru Aagi
Merediharu Ditavaagi.
Deshpande Dhondorayaru
Sri Madacharyara Tatva PratipaadaneYA
Gnyaana Pandityas Bhakti Vairaagya
Janateyanu Uddharisi Granthagala
Rachisida Pariyella
Hari Sarvottama Vayu Jeevottama
Sanmargadali Nadesi
Salahida Karunaalu
Malakheda Jayaraya.