One Akshohini means
The land became too wet due to
the blood shed that chariots were stuck up and cannot move freely.Sri Krishna
became the driver (Saarathi) of Arjuna’s Chariot (Ratha) with Hanuma Dhwaja
and got victory.Pandavas became Victorious by the Anugraha of Sri Hari-Lord
Sri Krishna.Acquired the kingdom of Hastinapura .Dharmaraya ruled Hastinapura,
Pandavas lived peacefully.
The brothers were remembering and
discussing the past incidents of Mahabharata Maha Yuddha.At that time Arjuna
forgot Sri Krishna and boasted before Bheeme-Bheemasena Devaru that he
is responsible to the Entire Victory.Immediately Bhemma uttered! You beast
(PASHU) what are you talking? Forgot
our Sri Krishna-Partha Sarathi-Hanuma Dhwaja-Anugraha of Vayu Devaru.Arjuna
realized and repented.As the wordings of great personalities will
never be false,they will become true. And that he will definitely take
the birth of a beast.
Arjuna forgot the God for a moment for that he got the life of a beast .We ordinary human beings do not remember God, we cannot even imagine what will be our fate?
Then Bheema-Bheemasena Devaru said nothing to worry. He will be with you .In the Kaliyuga Arjuna will write the Commenataries to all his works.Hari Mata-Vaishnava-Madhwa.When Arjuna takes the birth as bullock Bheema will take the birth as Sri Madhwacharya.Bullock will be with Sri Madcharya,carrying all the works of Sri Madhwacharya, listening the Divine-Knowledgeful Discourses and always will be in Satsanga,that he will be freed from Pashu-Janma.
Secondly Arjuna will have the Yati Darshana again when he will be born as Dhondoraya. This Yati is Sri Akshobhyateertharu and will be completely freed from Pashu Janma.
Thus Arjuna is Indramsha, ,Bullock
of our Sri Madacharya, our Dhondoraya is our Teekarayaru Malkhed Jaiteertharu.We
are Proud and Grateful to Jaiteertharu.
Dinagala Ghora Yuddhavu Aagi Hadinentu Akshohini Sainya Sarvanaashavu Aagi Bhoo Devi –Bhoo-Maate Rakta Siktalu Aagi Raktada Maduvalli Rathagalu Hudugidavella. Ishtella Bhoo Bhaara vaniluhi Hastinapurada Vadetanavu Pandavara Paravayeetu! Dharma Buddhiya Raya Dharmarayana Hiritanadi Sri Kriashnana Valavinali Pancha Pandavarella Nalavinali Nemmadiya Dinacharige Naandiyanu Haadidaru. Sodararu Vandege Serida Samayadali Aduvarege Jeevanada Samasta Ghatanaegala Samsarisi Bittarada Charcheyanu Mada Todagidaraaga. Mahabharatada Aagu
Yendu Bheemasenaru
Pashu Janma Uttamara