In the same way we cannot forget the Sacred Yergol, near Yadgiri. All the Teekas of Sri Madacharya and several works of Sri Jaiteertharu took birth here only. Sri Anandateertha’s ANUVYAAKHYAANA---Teeka(Commentary) by Teekaraya as SRI MAN NYAAYASUDHA was composed here on this holy land, which was once upon a time was the Ashrama of Shankhu Rishi .Our Mantralaya Rayaru has written Teeka for thisb and named PARIMALA.We are grateful and gratitude to these Teekas.
During the stay at Yergol Cave for
the great task of writing Teekas, the residents of Yergol were in close
contact with this great Personality who has done Miracles. Near the Cave
the Nawab of Yergol constructed a huge tank to the people of Yergol for
domestic and agricultural purposes. But a hole appeared in a corner and
water was completely leaking
from that hole .Even after several
repairs it proved in vain. The Nawab worried and with the advice of the
Natives the Nawab met Sri Jaiteertharu and detailed the whole situation.
Jaiteertharu gave a handful of soil and asked the Nawab to close the hole
with that soil. Nawab did the same and the hole was completely packed and
the water remained abundantly in the tank. Today the tank-Yergol
tank is watering the paddy of several acres. As per the Achary Tatvas Jaiteertharu
always did the Welfare of the people along with Yati’s sacred routine non
stop and side by side. There is no exaggeration to mention that Sri
Jaiteertharu is the only potiff who has done amply, satisfactorily during
the short span of his career.
Residing in the Brindavana at Malkhed Jaiteertharu is protecting the Devotees.There are in total 16 pontiffs Brindavanas in Malkhed.Sri Jaiteertharu Sri Akshobhyateertharu and Sri Raghukantateertharu Brindavanas ,other 13 pontiffs have arrived here by dream-SWAPNA and accepting the Pooja-Hastodaka along with these three pontiffs.
Today MALKHED is a Holy Place, Sri Jaiteertharu is welcoming the Devotees to the bank of Kaagina.The most Delighted Enlightened Gnyaani,Vairaagyamurty,Avatara Purusha TEEKAKRUTPAADAACHARYAAHA MALAKHEDANAAM SRI JAITEERTHA GURUBHYONAMAHA.
Devotees are visiting daily.Pooja-Srvaseva-Hastodaka-Annasantarpane-Mantrakshatae-Sheshavastra are all the Divine Blessings of MALKHED. Protecting affectionately, propagating the Acharya Philosophy and Blessing the Satvikas.
Thus I conclude If there are any omissions,
additions and deletions Devotees please let me know, I warmly welcome the
corrections. Actually my sons asked me to have the series on Malkhed Sri
Jaiteerthara Yativarya. With all the Best wishes of Devotees and by the
Blessings of Sri Teekanna, I say Mangala to this series.
Yelli Hodaru Alli Mahimeyanu Toriharu Jana Manava Geddiharu Nitya Pooje Paatha Pravachana Vaada Vivaada Nantara Kruti Rachane Jeevanada Paryanta Yede Bidade Punyada Dinachariya Karyadali Truptiyanu Padediharu Kolhapur Ahmedabad Vande Yerade Yelledege Gnyaana Dundubhi Molagisida Punyatma Kaveri Yindama Godavari Varege Habbida Naadendu Kannadada Seema Rekheya Tilisi Samskruti-Kannada Janateya Parichayipa KAVIRAAJAMARGA Huttida Uoru.Rashtrakootara Nrupatunga Doreya Aasthaana Kavi Sri Vijaya- Ivaradella Ide Malkhed Inthha Nelada Gunavu Jayarayara Vaasadi Mattashtu Paavanavaagi Kaagineya Hirimeyanu Ghanavaagi Hecchiside. Adarante Yergol Kshetravanu
Yergol Janarella Jaiteerthara
Malkhedadali Vattu Hadinaaru Jana