Once Sri Vidyaranya came to Yergol met Sri Jaiteertharu and asked what is going on. Sri Jaiteertharu politely showed all the works and asked to go through PRAMAANA LAKSHANA. Vidyaranya could not understanding anything and said what is this? Then Jaiteertharu presented the book NYAAYA KALPA TARU, and asked him to go through thoroughly. As per the famous Sanskrit Subhaashita Vidya Dadaati Vinayam.Though Jaiteertharu a great scholar with meek and kind nature expressed His Greatness..Historians have amply described this point whole heartedly. It is a great treasure-wealth to the Madhwa Siddhanta and Madhwas-Dwaitas.It is a matter of pride and honour.
When Vidyaranyaru went on reading the pages(Taale Oleya Gari) one by one, His heart was filled with joy and tears rolled through the eyes ANANDABAASHPA. what a great work. The style, descriptions, the way of presentation, imagination, knowledge and language impressed a lot. Vidyaranyaru expressed that he had never seen such a great work so far and praised that Jaiteertharu is the real Teekakaara. Made Jaya Ghosha to Jaiteertharu.
There is no jealousy for good qualities.The learned personalities hearts are always broad and pure. Sri Vidyaranyaru made it true. Actually placed the NYAAYAKALPATARU on the elephant and made a grand procession with grandeur and honoured Jaiteertharu. The greatness of Acharya Tatvas to the whole world. Only the pandits know the struggle and difficulties of the pandits. Vidyaranya fully understood the pains,difficulties,struggle taken by Jaiteertharu at Yergol. We feel a lot for Jaiteertharu’s stay in Yergol,at the time of this great constructive works of all times.
Jaiteertharu though rich,powerful,youth sacrificed everything towards this great task of Dwaita Siddhanta.Piereced the darkness and conquered KAMA(Sex feelings).Rethassu all blossomed in knowledge to this Avataara Purusha.A staunch Bachelor in mind action and deed .All centered in the Divine works of TEEKAS of Sri Madacharya.
Mantralaya Rayaru the seventeenth
pontiff of Sri Madacharya had been to Malkhed,attained Knowledge
in the Sannidhaana of Sri Jaiteertharu at Malkhed, the sixth pontiff of
Sri Madhwacharya Peetha. Mantralaya Raghavendrateertharu has beautifully
presented the appreciation of Sri Mann Nyaaya Sudha the famous work of
Sri Jaiteertharu: Pratyaksharam Pratipadam Anekaakooti Garbhitaa
Pratibhaati Sudhaathaapi Granthaalpatvaayanocchyatae. Each and every sentence
and word of Sudha gives
several meanings, sounds several
melodies, full of Imagination(Pratibha. Pratibha always finds new things
in all the aspects and writings) and knowledge. This Sudha is really a
great work of all the times and for all the times.
Mantralaya Rayaru respected and regarded
this great Saint, a noble personality Sri Jaiteertharu of Malkhed.
Avirata Chintaneya Sadhaneya Tapasinali Grantha Rachaneya Teekaadigala Rachane Sri Hariya Neneyutta Sri Madacharyara Nirmala Vyaktitva Mana Tumbi Bhaktiya Pulakadali Vaagdevi Poojeyadu Vaibhavadi Saagitu Vamme Vidyaranyaru Alli Yergoladali Bandu Jaiteertharanu Kandu Yenu Tamma Karyavaikhari Yenalu Rachisida Granthagala Teekaadi Vivaragala Mundittu Harahi Toridaraaga. PRAMAAN LAKSHANA
Gunake Matsara Unte
Apaara Sampattu
Sri Madacharyara Peetha Parampareyali