Sri Durga Devi-Sri Saraswati Bestowed
with the writing materials and the stay in Yergol cave are
described in detail in Jaiteertha Vijaya(11).
On the bank of Bheema river near Sandhyavali there is a famous Durga Devi Temple, She is popularly called as Saraswati Devi. There Jaiteertharu sat for Tapasya with great Devotion. Soon the Godess Bestowed Jaiteertharu with the Writing Materials. A steel nail to write on the leaves and Betel nut to rub after writing on the leaves, so the letters will be visible clearly and shining. This is a good sign for a great task of writing the books, commentaries of Sri Anandateertharu works.
After this with joy and vigour Jaiteertharu rushed to Yergol,which is situated in Gulbarga District,near Yadgir..Selected a lonely place which is plunged in deep and profound silence. Previuosly that was the Ashrama of Shankha Rishi,imparting Knowledge and education in Vedas i.e Vedaadhyayana to several able students. A small hilly cave in the midst of the trees which is in the shape of a Shankha. Jaiteertharu sat there for writing Commentaries with great patience, knowledge and intense Aparoksha Gnyaana.The Samskaara-Culture of all the Janmas put together in the writings of Teekas by Sri Hari-Sri Madacharya.The whole world is surprised today to look into all this great works of Sri Jaiteertharu.There is Praana Devara Temple : MARUTA SAAKSHIGA. He is the witness for the Teekas of Sri Madacharya.Like an ocean diver Jaiteertharu dived in the ocean of Sri Madachrya Tatvas (philosophy) and given the the finest and the most valuable pearls to the Manu Kula.
Jaiteertharu is famous and popular
as Yergol Teekarayaru.We cannot forget Yergol.It is here on this holy land
that all the Teekas have taken birth and shaped by our Jaiteertharu.
Jaiteertharu taken pains, many a times starved,as no one used to go there
for that lonely place.Took Shesha Roopa many times for survival,then with
Yati Roopa wrote Teekas.A master piece has born in Yergol.We are grateful
to Yergol Teekarayaru.
Nagaragala Panditara Taa Geddu Sri Madacharyara Upakrutiya Smarisutta Kruti Rachane Baravanige Bayasida Jaiteerthara Yativarya Hiridaada Saadhanege Baddha Kankanaraagi Hagalirulu Hari Vayu Gurugalanu Bhaktiyali Neneyutta Bheemarathi Teerada Sandhyavali Saraswati Mandiravende Khyatiyanu Padediruva Durga Devi Mandirake Bhaktiyali Saari Deviya Aaraadhaneyali Kanmuchchi Tapagaidu Mahattara Karyakke Harasendu Bedidaru Malkhed Yativaryara Bhakti Yogake Validu Devi Taa Needidalu Lekhaniya. Taale Gari-Oleya Mele Bareyuva Moleyukta Lekhaniya Jotege Vandu Adike Betta. Lekhaniyinda Taale Oleya Mele Baredu Adikeya Tikkalu Bareda Aksharagalu Sphutavaagi Tori Minchuvavu. Aagella Ee Reeti PrachalitavuAagittu Adane Taayee
Yergoladali Hinde
Teekegala Bareyutta