Jayatheerth Vijaya-10
(637 Mahotsava-Celebrations at Malkhed
Date : 25 July
On the eve of Aashaadha Bahula Panchami
the Six Hundred and Thirty Seventh Aaraadhana Mahotsava-Celebrations at
Malkhed are described in Jaiteertha Vijaya(10).
The end of Uttarayana welcomes Dakshinayana
and Chaaturmaasa begins.That means the four months of Rainy Season.As the
Mansoon will be active generally
pontiffs will not undertake Sanchara
during Chaaturmaasa. They select and stay in one place performing and preaching
Vrata-Niyama-Pooje-Purana-Pravachana.Thus the
propagation of Religious Values
to the Betterment of Mankind. This is the aim and motto of all the Swamijis.
In Mantralaya and Malkhed we can find Nityotsava, Daily Celebrations and
Functions. The Pathana of Vedaghosha will be echoing there. These
are the ways and means to become Dear to Sri Hari. Without caring the demerits
of climate they simply participate in Understanding the Tatva (Philosophy)
of Sri Madhwacharya nod their heads and bow their hearts.
Aashaadha Bahula Panchami the Aaraadhana
in Malkhed. Did a great task of writing Teekas to the Granthas of Sri Madacharya.
A great stalwart-Avatara Purusha-Indramsha- Shesha Aavesha.Jaiteertharu
is nothing but a collection of Jaya(Victory). Adorned the Devi Saraswati
with the Teekas(commentary) and became Kruta-Krutya.The main duty of the
Avatara is completed. I must leave this world: So Jaiteertharu decided
on this Aashaadha Bahula Panchami and entered Brindavana while he was alive
,near his great Guru Sri Akshobhyateerthara Brindavana in Malkhed on the
bank of Kagina.Though Sri Jaiteertharu disappeared from our eyes, Jaiteertharu
is always Chiranta-Chinmaya in our
inward eyes and hearts. On this day
we observe Aaraadhana of Sri Jaiteertharu. .After Brindavana Pravesha the
serpents and the serpents hood appeared on the Brindavana.Even to this
day we can see.Thus Sri Teekaraya made it clear to the world that He is
Shesha Aavesha.In the house of Mangalavedhe Sri Jaiteertharu gave
Divya Darshana of Shesha Aavesha.that is still green in the memory of the
Today is the Six Hundred and Thirty
Seventh years Aaraadhana of Sri Jaiteertharu.Poorva Aaraadhana at Yergol
on Chaturthi.We will never forget Yergol.The lonely,calm and quiet place,
where Jaiteertharu wrote Teekas and Sudha. Panchami Madhya Aaraadhana Celebrations
at Malkhed is full of Grand and Grandeur.For Rathotsava Devotees from all
parts of India rush to Malkhed and line up to participate in Malkhed.The
Devotees humming sound of Malkhed-Malkhed is really soothing.During Rathotsava
actually dance with ecstasy of Devotion,
and thus be grateful.Though dizzling showers are there Devotees will never
care. They simply involve and carry on the celebrations. Owing to the First
Chaaturmaasa Vrata,as no vegetables and coconuts are not allowed only Kattu-Hittu(Rice-Dal),Devotees
eat this as Divya Prasada.The Regardful Mantra of OM SRI JAITEERTHA GURUBHYO
NAMAHA will be echoing on the bank of Kagina at Malkhed. Malkhed
Jaiteertharu with the Commentary-Teeka has made us to understand
the teachings of Sri Anandateertharu.
A Great Personlaity-A Great Soul-Punyatma-Divyatma.
is our Malkhed Sri Jaiteertha Yativarya.
Uttarayana Mugidu
Dakshinayana Kaalirisalu
Shuruvayitu Chaaturmaasa
Malegaalada Aagamana
Yatigalu Vandege Tangi
Purana Pravachana Gaidu
Satvika Samateyanu
Punya Panivaaravanu
Hanchuva Kaala Sakaala.
Ide Chaaturmaasadali
Halavaaru Pooje Vrata Niyama
Sri Hariya Valumege Saakaara
Saarthakatae Sadhaneya
Mantralaya Maneyalli
Malkhedapuradalli Nityotsava
Veda Ghoshagala Ninaada
Sri Hari Vayu Gurugala
Nitya Stotradi Nirata
Bhakta Stomava Nintu
Noduvade Bhagya!Nijavada
Maleyanu Lekkisade
Yedaru Todarugalige
Anjade Alukade
Sri Madacharyara Tatva
Pratipaadanege Taledoogi
Aashaadha Bahula Panchami
Malkheda Utsavavu!
Dvaita Mata Tatvagala
Tirulannu Teekaadigala Rachisi
Tilivante Maadida Uddaama
Udaatta Dheemanta Dheera
Jaiteerthara Aaraadhaneya Utsavavu
Avatara Purusha:
Indramsha Shesha Aavesharu
Jayada Motthavanella
Hiridaagi Shekharisi
Vaagdevi Poojege
Sakala Parikaradinda
Kruta Krutya Mahaneeya
Taavu Kaigonda Karyavadu
Chokkatanadali Purnateya Padeyalu
Saakinnu Ee Vaasa
Yenda Jaiteertha Guruvarya
Ide Aashaadha Bahula Panchamiya
Dinadandu Ghana Karya Purnateya
Truptiyanu Taledaata
Kagineya Tatadalli
Poojya Sri Akshobhyateertha
Gurugala Paavanada Sanihadali
Sashareera Brindavanavanu
Seri Namma Kanninda
Mareyaagi Valagannali
Ninta Chirantana Chinmaya
Acharya Priya Namma
Jaiteertha Yativarya!
Sashareera Guhapraveshada
Nantara Modale Siddhapadisitta
Divya Brindavanu Sthaapise
Sarpagalu Taave Hede Sahita
Brindavanadali Moodi
Shesha Aavesha Yembudanu
Jagakella Tilisidaru.
Mangalavedheyali Huttida
Maneyalli Eegaloo Aagaaga
Shesha Roopava Tori
Prakatagonda Ghataneyanu
Bhaktaru Maretilla.
Aagarbha Shreemanta
Shoora Veera Dheera
Vichakshana Vairagya Gnyaani
Jayakke Adhi Soochaka
Jaiteertha Yativarya
Malkhedadali Nelenintu
Aaru Noora Moovattelu
Varushagalu Sandive.
Aashaadha Bahula Chaturthiya
Dinadandu Yergoladali
Aaraadhane Utsava.
Yergol Naavindu Yendigoo
Mareya Laareyau.
Varaveeva Gnyaanada Varaveera
Jayarayara Aaraadhane
Aashaadha Bahula Panchami
Malkhedadali Vaibhavadi
Jaruguvadu.Deshada Naanaa
Oorugala Bhaktaru:
Malkheda Malkheda Yendu
Uliyutta Utsavadali Paalugollalu
Rathaveleyalu Haadalu
Kuniyalu Bhaktiyali Naa Mundu
Taa Mundu Yendenuva
Bhaktaru Sri Harige Priyaraagi
Dvaita Peethake Runiyaagi
Upakaara Smarisutta
Krutaartha Raaguva Punya Dina
Su Dina Aashaadha Bahula Panchami
Jiti Jiti Maleyalli
Kattu Hittina Oota
Divya Prasadavanundu
Om Sri Jaiteertha Gurubhyo Namaha
Yemba Omkara Naadavu
Malkheda Kagineya Tatadalli
Maardaniya Koduvadu.
Anandateerthara Anunayava
Saarida Jaiteertha Yativarya
Malkheda Jayaraya
Divyatma Punyatma.