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Welcome to PATWARI.ORGDedicated toSri RaghavendrateerthaGurusarvabhoumaru|| Rasa Rushihi Sri Appanacharyaha Devata Sri Raghavendra Guruhu Mae Ishtaarthha Siddhaye || || Divaa Prabhaate Nishi Cha Pradoshe Madhyam Dinae Avyaan Mama Jaagarookaha Sarveshu Kaaryeshu Cha Sarvadaa Maam Paayaat Guruhu MatKruta Sannidhaanaha || |
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Devotees - I have completely surrendered to Mantralaya Rayaru and
feel that this birth, one Janma is not sufficient to cover and describe
the whole matter of our Sri Raghavendrateertharu. My whole little
effort is only the introductory preface of this Yatiraat. Several times
I have visited Mantralaya still the hunger of visiting this sanctum is
not satisfied. Always the heart is filled with the lurking desire of
seeing Mantralaya Rayaru.The inward eyes see and fill in the heart the
Holy personality of Yatiraat Gurusarvabhoumaru. Always with a mild
smile (Hasanmukha Mandasmita), sitting in the Brindavana with
Padmasana holding the JapaMaala,wearing theTulasimaala always
remembering Sri Hari and whole heartedly blessing the devotees. Rayaru takes the Seva from all the sections of society irrespective of their caste and creed. There is no barrier of narrow mindedness Manchale became Mantralaya by Sri RaghavendrateerthaGurusarvabhoumaru, Bichchale became Bhikshaalaya by Sri Appanacharyaru. Appanacharya always lived together with Rayaru, did the Rayar seva and found the truth of real values of devotional importance.Today Bhikshaalaya Sri Appanacharya is on the top of the list of Mantralaya Devotees.Sri Krishnavadhootaru another greater devotee of Rayaru has said in Sri Raghavendra Tantra is definitely true: Bhikshaalaya Appanaryaaya Namaha Our heart will not permit to depart from Mantralaya and Bhikshaalaya when we are there. But our duty, the worldly bondage make us to return with the heavy heart. The devotion towards Sri Raghavendrateertharu is the ultimate truth and is the most simple and effective way to reach Sri Hari.Sri GuruJagannathaDasaru has rightly said: "NAMBI KETTAVARILLAVO EE GURUGALA" ![]() || Eshaavasyamidam Sarvam Sakalam Karoti Mangalam
Sri Hari Bhakta Sri Raghavendra Swami Sankalpa Dattam Yeva Adya Sarva Sukha Shantim Sakala Manujaaha - Vishwa Bhaktaaha SRI RAGHAVENDRAHA SAKALA PRADAATAHA || What
ever is Good for us Mantalaya Rayaru sends us. What ever comes to
us from Rayaru that is all for our good. As per the Sankalpa, will and
wish of Mantralaya Rayaru we are happy,contented and leading a peaceful
life by the Paramaanugraha of our Mantralaya Yatiraat Sri
Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaru.
- Raghvendra Patwari
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