Elegance and the grandeur of 
Pushkara at  Bhikshaalaya



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What is Pushkara ?

When Guru has entered in Makara Raashi on the day of Margashira Shukla Ekadashi Tuesday December 09th. 08. at the time of Sunset - Suryaasta Samaya.The Sacred Tungabhadra river is equal to the sacred Sarayu river of Ayodhya. All the holy and the most sacred rivers - Punya Nadees will join to Tungabhadra. So it is called as Pushkara Yoga. Taking the holy dip in the Tungabhadra we acquire the punya of taking the bath in all the the holy rivers. So now the world devotees are coming to Mantralaya - Bhikshaalaya - Bichali. We find daily the huge gathering of devotees with joy and devotion at these two  sanctums situated on the bank of Tungabhadra. The echoing of the pathana  Bichali Sri Appanacharya Sarveshta Sadhaka Sri Rayara Gurustotra, Mangalashtaka and the Quick Siddhi Mantra:


Though this PUSHKARA is for the whole year to Tungabhadra the first 12 days and the last 12 days of the  year are very important. We call it as:


 Taking the holy bath, holy dip in the Tungabhadra devotees feel satisfaction of divine purity and take the darshana of Rayara Divya Neela Brindavana, Sri Praanadevaru, Sri Rudradevaru in Mantralaya and conclude the Pushkara Punya with the darshana of Ek Shila Brindavana of Rayaru at Japadakatti in Bhikshaalaya - Bichali.

Rayaru has described the greatness and the importance of  Tungabhadra river which is equal to the Sarayu river of Ayodhya in the grantha : Nadee Taaratamya. We are fortunate and highly grateful to our divine Rayaru for the creation of this book.Sri Raghavendra Swamiji has worshipped Sri MoolaRamadevaru for more than half a century, highly devoted and concerned. So Rayaru desired the stone for his Brindavana, which was in Madhavaram as Sri Ramachandra and Laxmana have sat and taken rest for a few hours during Vanavaasa. That sacred and holy stone Aparokshagnyani Rayaru desired.Even Sri Praanadevaru also was made of that stone and Sri Yogeendrateertharu the Successor of Rayaru completed the pratishthaapana immediately after the Brindavana Pravesha of our Rayaru. Knowing all these details our Bichali Sri Appanacharyaru has said in Sri Rayara Mangalashtaka:

SriMatRamaPadaaravindaMadhupaha Sri MadhwaVamshaadhipaha

Rayaru is like a bee to the lotus feet of Sri Ramachandradevaru, the head of Sri Madhwacharya family.Mantralaya Rayaru has upheld and propagated the essence of Sri Harisarvottama and Vayujeevottama to the whole universe.

During the first twelve days of Aadi Pushkara and the last twelve days of Antya Pushkara the Saannidhya of Sri Bhaageerathi to Tungabhadra is more and we acquire more punya by Tunga Snaana Tungabhadraa Snaana. Every twelve years this auspicious moment we will have in our life time. In the same way for every twelve years Guru will enter in Kannyaa Raashi, at that time this Bhaageerathi Saannidhya will be to our river Krishna. We say it as Kanyaagata.

Dear devotees Holy Tungabhadra is flowing from Hampi, Anegundi, Navavrundavana, Devi Huligemma at Muniraabad which is popularly called as Huligi then forcefully flows to Bhikshaalaya and Mantralaya. So huge gathering of devotees at these two sanctums during Pushkara. Though it started on Ekadshi Tuesday Dec.09.2008 at the time of Sunset, It is observed from Dwadashi Wednesday. Today is the Vruta Hanumadvruta, very auspicious. Our Karunaalu GuruRayaru has written 48 Granthas, a great contribution to Saaraswata Loka, Adhyatma Loka and to our Sri Madhwa philosophy.t We are amazed to know the  routine of Rayaru flooded with busy schedule. Always Adhyayana,Adhyaapana,Chintana Manthana, Uddhaara of Bhaktas. Never took rest always active and alert in the realm of Bhakti and indulged in the welfare of Manukula. So world devotees, we are proud to say that as Rayaru is distributing the huge punya, that is again growing by leaps and bounds. Because our Punya Murty Rayaru is doing Samarpana to Sri Hari what ever he receives day to day.

So we all desire to take a holy dip in the Tungabhadra on this day of Pushkara and the Darshana of Sri Raghavendrateertharu in Mantralaya and Japadakatti Ek Shila Brindavana of Rayaru in Bichali, as Rayaru liked Bichali and Sri Appanacharyaru. Only the true devotees will get this opportunity .The sajjana bhaktas will become pure by snaana Tungabhadra snaana, Darshana,Pooja,Hastodaka, Phala Mantrakshate during pushkara raja yoga. Guru Pravesha in Makara Raashi. Makara Raashi, Shravana Nakshatra is of our Tirumale Sri Srinivasadevaru. The Tapobhoomi,Karmabhoomi Punyabhoomi Mantralaya and Bhikshaalaya are welcoming the devotees. Elaborate preparations are really meticulous in these two kshetras Manchali and Bichali Anna Santarpane is quite satisfactory.

We find here at Manchali and Bichali:

  • Anna Devara(Brahmara) Trupti
  • Veda Devara(Brahmara) Trupti
  • Gnyana Devara (Brahmara)Trupti
  • Naada Devara(Brahmara) Trupti
  • Naada Devara(Brahmara) Trupti

Parama Bhakti Trupti.

To avail and enjoy the Pancha Trupti and to attain the Punya of Pushkara devotees please come to Mantralaya and Bhikshaalaya to acquire the Blessings of Rayaru and Appanacharyaru:

Bichali Sri Appanacharya Priya Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurubhyo Namaha.

Our Shridavithalaru has said in one of his songs: Munche Maadiri Neevu Manchali Yaatra

And our Bichali Sri Appanacharyaru has rightly said in Mangalashtaka:

SriMatSadhuru Raghavendra Yatiraat Kuryaat Dhruvam Mangalam.

So we bow to Pushkara with devotion.

Namo Namo Pushkaraaya.


Elegance and the grandeur of Pushkara at  Bhikshaalaya

On the day of Pushkara  abundant and large number of devotees gathered on the sacred bank of Tungabhadra in Mantralaya and Bhikshaalaya. The elegance and the grandeur of this punyakarya - the happiness and the devotion of the devotees cannot be described in words. Actually we can say words fall short. That too on the concluding day of Pushkara, when we looked all this our memory went  back to the good old days of:

The Brindavana Pravesha of Sri Raghavendrateertharu in Mantralaya
Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhouma’s Aaradhane

Simply flashed to our inward eyes and we were forgotten ourselves in the realm of Mantralaya. Lakhs and  lakhs of devotees,satvikas have gathered through out  the bank of Tungabhadra.As water is quite pleasing owing to the flow of Tungabhadra in Bichali.Though the temperature was between 8 to 10 Degree Celsius, in this winter cold season, though the satvikas were shivering with cold and chill , the enthusiasm and the interest of Pushkara Tungabhadra Snaana was quite amazing. At the Sanctum of Japadakatti devotees came in streams for Pushkara Holy dip from early morning 4.30am. Archaka Sri Jagannathacharya was fully engaged in the sankalpa of pushkara snaana. Before the dawn devotees arrived and the long que of cars right from Goshaala to  beyond Sri Appanacharyas house was quite amazing.

Devotees were really fortunate enough to participate on this day at Bichali. We can say this is the will and wish of Rayaru and the affection of our Bichali Sri Appanacharyaru are centered and manifested in the heart of  Sri Appanacharya sixth generation -Vamshastha Sri Badadha Ramacharya. Wearing a Madi (silk dhoti) and Sheshavastra  warmly and affectionately welcomed the devotees with a smile and distributed the punya of Pushkara. It was a worthy and wonderful scene. At the Japadakatti the devotees - gathered devotees were simply chanting the world famous Gurustotra of  Bichali Sri Appanacharya and indulged themselves in Ashtottara.

I humbly appeal to all the devotees, please chant Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra correctly and properly understanding the meaning.By this the faith,belief and devotion will increase by leaps and bounds and we acquire the Anugraha of Rayaru. Our Sri Appanacharyaru has clearly said in Gurustotra:


Devotees always remember the sacred lotus feet of Rayaru with devotion who is sitting below the Brindavana in Mantralaya and chant the most sacred divya stotra  Bichali Sri Appanacharya’s Gurustotra with full concentration. By doing this the devotees will never get sorrows and miseries in life.

NahiBhavetTasyaa Asukham Kinchana

So the pathana of Gurustotra is always echoing in Bichali and Mantralaya. In Bichali the Ashtottara Shata Seva Samiti is established by the Vamshastharu to perform Ashtottara on the bank of the sacred Tungabhadra where Gurustotra took its birth by Appanacharyaru. So world devotees please acquire the punya. Because  the Japadakatti Ek Shila Brindavana is very dear to Rayaru. As per the promise given by Rayaru to Appanacharya  Rayaru is daily visiting the sanctum of Bichali Appanacharyas house and resides in the Ek Shila Brindavana for a few hours in the form of Jyoti. The satvika,astika,sajjana devotees have experienced this in Bichali.

On 21st. December the concluding day of Pushkara the sacred pushkara snaana was in progress, archaka Sri Jagannathacharya was fully engaged in the sankalpa at the river Tungabhadra. At that time the vamshastharu of Sri Appanacharya Sri Badadha Ramacharya asked  to a Sajjana,Satvika devotee who was present there to perform the Abhisheka to the Ek Shila Brindavana, said with affection : that you and your son can perform the Abhisheka owing to the auspicious day of Pushkara Samaroopa. By hearing these wordings the joy and happiness of the father and the son knew no bonds. Both father and the son after taking a holy dip in Tungabhadra with wet clothes and pure madi entered the guarded gauge gate of Japadakatti holding the pot. With folded hands performed saashtaanga namaskara and they both surrendered themselves to the Japadakatti Rayaru as our Sri Appanacharyaru has squatted before Rayaru. Started the Abhisheka with water. Cold weather encircled every where owing to the winter and also the bank of the river. Father and son were actually shivering. The time was 5.15 am early morning. Started abhisheka as per taaratamya. First to Sri Krishna idol, this was found in the river Tungabhadra by Sri Appanacharyaru, then Sri Vyasaraja Karaarchita Sri Praanadevaru who were on the top of the Ek Shila Brindavana, and then to the Brindavana. The father and the son completely involved with devotion in the Abhisheka  chanting Gurustotra . At that time a great Miracle happened.

When they both were performing the abhisheka to the Ek Shila Brindavana and to their great surprise the Brindavana was hot on all the four sides. Though the abhisheka was in progress with cold water they both experienced that warmth hot. The father and the son became highly devotional and emotional. Rolling tears they said just a few minutes back Rayaru has resided here, so we are experiencing  the warm and the hot sensation in the Brindavana. On the concluding day of Pushkara  Rayaru came to Bichali at the Brahmi Muhurta, performed Snaana - Aahneeka at the sanctum of Japadakatti and stayed for a while in the Japadakatti Ek Shila Brindavana in the form of JYOTI. So the father and the son got that divine experience during abhisheka. They bowed  with devotion and described the whole thing to the Vamshastharu Sri Badadha Ramacharyaru, he too with tears said that because of Jyoti Roopa  of Rayaru you have experienced that and you are fortunate and Blessed  by Rayaru.

Further Sri Ramacharya told us and to all the gathered devotees that Rayaru is daily visiting Bichali during night and stay at the Ek Shila Brindavana in the form of Jyoti. The devotees  were simply amazed and the satvika father and the son cannot spell out, they were immersed in seeing the Divine Personality of Rayaru.As our Sri Appanacharyaru has said:


On the auspicious day of Pushkara the above incident is a great Miracle. Rayaru has blessed all of us  and made it clear to the devotees of the world that Bichali Japadakatti Appanacharya are all dear to me, so visiting every day in the Jyoti Roopa.

On the concluding day of Pushkara  devotees observed Pushkara Snaana by taking a holy dip in the Tungabhadra river.Performed Teertha Shraaddha. On that day the Pooja,Alankara,Naivedya,  Hastodaka and Anna Santarpane were really marvellous and meticulous.  More than 1500 devotees were fed on that day in Bichali.To witness all this one should have the Divine Grace and the Divine Blessings of Rayaru. All the programmes of Pushkara were arranged by the Vamshastharu. We have no words to express our gratitude to this Punya Murty. With warm affection and smile Sri Badadha Ramacharya distributed Phala Mantrakshate  and Blessed to all. What an amount of punya and devotion he has accumulated in life, we are simply amazed.

Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrattertharu has proclaimed to the world by this incident that:





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