Event : Laksha
Kadabu Hastodaka Global
Project at Bichali Japadakatti
Date : Jun 5, 2010
From :
Bichali Japadakatti
Sri Appanacharya’s Ashtottara Shata Seva of Sri Raghavendra
Gurustotra Global Project Bichali Japadakatti,
Gunjalli, Raichur -584140
It is my Privilege and Punya
to announce that Bichali Japadakatti
the Sacred bank of Tungabhadra is warmly welcoming the Devotees of the World.
To acquire the Anugraha of Mantralaya
Sri Raghavendrateertharu and Bichali
Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru
the following Projects - Global Projects are already in force.
Laksha Kadabu Hastodaka
Global Project at Bichali Japadakatti
As Bichali Japadakatti
is NagaLoka Masti
Kadabu Naivedya to Bichali Nagappa, highly Jaagruta and Siddhi. Many
Devotees perform Ksheerabhisheka. Now under this
project Kadabu Naivedya
also launched on June01.2010 Tuesday for the benefit of the Devotees of Santaanapekshi.
It is heartening to know that Rayaru
liked Kadabu and likes Kadabu.
So for the Hastodaka of Sri Raghavendrateertharu’s
Ek Shila Brindavana at Japadakatti this Kadabu is famous as
Masti Kadabu with
all rich ingredients,
very tasty Kadabus are prepared
daily for Rayaru’s Hastodaka.
The Devotees can offer Yathha Shakti
Kadabu Hastodaka Seva
to Rayaru and can enroll their names and inform the
days on which the Kadabu Hastodaka
is to be done along with their name, Gotra and Nakshatra.
Devotees as you are already fully aware that three well versed Vedic Brahmins
came to Rayaru. After taking Darshana
they three talked together that they desired Kadabu, Bonda and Chitraanna. Rayaru is a very divine saint, miraculous personality. We
desired these things let us get all the three things. Sat
separately for food. Rayaru came and said to the
staff that you serve Kadabu to the first Brahmin, Bonda to the last Brahmin and Chitraana
to the Brahmin who is sitting in the middle. They were supplied the desired
items sumptuously. After food the three Brahmins came performed Sahtaanga to GuruRayaru and requested to
excuse for their follies for testing. Rayaru with a
smile said no excuse, after my Brindavana Pravesha you have to become the Archakas
and daily Kadabu,Bonda and Chitraanna you have to eat as part of Hastodaka.
See the Kind heart of Rayaru.
So World Devotees please note the importance of Kadabu. Knowing all this Rayaru
and Appanacharyaru desired at Bichali
for Laksha Kadabu Hastodaka Seva Global Project at Bichali
Japadakatti. Appanacharyaru
has himself grinded Hoorana daily for Kadabu and Dal for Dal Chatni in Bichali
Japadakatti during the long stay of Rayaru in Bichali.
Devotees if you would like to perform any of the above Sevas ( with or without your
physical presence) please contact
: 91-9885853864, 91-9885761787
Direct : 91-40-55942410