Recent important updates of Restoration in Bichali
– March 20,
Thanks to all devotes towards
contributing liberally to the Restoration of Bichali,
the following are progress as a result of your generous contribution
- Spacious Kitchen and Dining Hall are ready.
- A big GoShaala to
accommodate about 100 cows and calves.
- Store Room and three more living rooms are
- Sri Appanacharyas
house walls have come up and the construction is in fast progress.
- Though the Tungabhadra Bridge
connecting Bichali and Mantralaya
is cut off, work is under rigorous progress to build a temporary brige.
- Regular Pooja, Abhisheka,Panchamruta,Alankara,Naivedya,Vaishwadeva,Hastodaka
and Anna Daana are satisfactorily going on at
the Sanctum of Bichali Japadakatti.
- Bichali Japadakatti the
entire surrounding and the campus leveling is done by spreading heaps and
heaps of Sand and thus the scene of devastation of flood is disappeared.
- Now the Japadakatti
looks beautifully. Even proper steps are made at the riverside for the
Convenient of the Devotees.
The lullaby of Tungabhadra
|| Bichali
JapadaKatti Sri Appanacharya
Priya Mantralaya
Sri Raghavendrateertha
Gurubhyo Namaha || is welcoming the
On behalf of Sri Badadha Ramachyra - the Vamshashthharu of Sri Bichali Appancharayaru ,
I wish to provide you all with regular update of current flood situation at Bichali.
- Flood update [Oct 26, 2009 ]
- Flood update [Oct 18, 2009 ]
- Flood update [Oct 12,
2009 ]
- Flood update [Oct 14, 2009 ]
- Flood update [Oct 12, 2009 ]
- Flood
update [Oct 11, 2009 ]
- Flood update [Oct 6, 2009
- Flood update [Oct 4, 2009
- Flood update [Oct 3, 2009
- Flood update [Oct 1, 2009
help needed to restore Bichali
At this
juncture real help and support is needed to our Bichali
the Siddhi Kshetra.Where Rayaru lived for 13 years in Bichali
with Sri Appanacharyaru. Japadakatti
is full of sanctity owing to Sri Sripadarajaru,Sri Vibudhendrateertharu,Sri Vyasarajaru,Sri
Jitamitraru and Sri Raghavendrateertharu.
The flood
has washed and flowed away completely leaving the Sacred idols of Japadakatti and the Ek Shila Brindavana intact.
All the
brass and the copper vessels, food grains, Pooja Saamgris worth more
than Rs. Ten lakhs have
been simply swept away and snatched by the icy hand of flood.Further
the structures of dining hall, store room, kitchen room are no more. So these
things have to be restored soon.The 400 years old Holy
house of Sri Appanacharya is also needed some urgent minor repair.
So we all have have
to contribute, and donate liberally to bring the originality of our Sanctum and
to carry on the regular religious activities as before. Anna Daana etc.
The Vamshasthharu of Sri Appanacharya B. Ramesh (Sri Badadha Ramacharya), President
of Sri Teertha
Kshetra Japadakatti Bichali Appanacharya Ashtottara Shata Seva Welfare Trust golbal project and the Sole Owner and Proprietor of Japadakatti Ek ShilaBrindavana.
Bank detail for wire transfer
A/C# : 024301513968, Dilsuknagara branch Hyderabad.
code of the bank branch: ICIC0000243
Phone# 9885853864
For Cheque/DD
Ramesh Bichali 1-7-13/2A,
Venkata Sai Nilayam,
Jai Santosh Nagar Colony, St No 8
Hyderabad - 500007
Ph : 040 65942410
[October 26, 2009]
Thanks for the contribution to
the noble cause. Online transfer reached properly.
- The flow of Mother Tungabhadra is as usual
normal. Though the devastation is to the
houses, the Sacred idols are quite safe, it is amazing that even
the silver Danadashthhaka to the Ek Shila Brindavana
is not washed, when the 13 pillars road of
Madhvaram Bridge has completely washed
away and the means of transport is fully cut off.
- The Sanyasi Katti in the river Tungabhadra is clearly visible from
the Bichali and the joy of our heart knew no
bonds. The Flood has cleaned and cleared the thick trees and a large heap
of Sand. Very nice to see Sanyasi Katti. It was the place where Rayaru
and Appanacharyaru used to sit and discuss pertaining to Gnyana and Madhwa
- The repair work of the house of Sri Appanacharya is at progress.
- Even under such condition Devotees are
coming to Bichali Japadakatti
Ek Shila Brindavana.
- Construction of storeroom, dining hall and
kitchen cube have already started.
- The Goshaala
infrastructure is ready. Only the roof is to be repaired.
- Very Good News to all of us from the
auspicious day of Deepavali the Naivedya, Vaishavadeva, Hastodaka and Anna Daana has
begun at the Japadakatti.
- The timely action of Sri Appanacharya Vamshasthharu
saved Our Cows and the calves of the Japadakatti,
they are quite safe, hail and
healthy in our Bhikshaalaya - Bichali.Restoration work is in progress.
[October 18, 2009]
Tungabhadra is flowing happily as usual chanting - A Divine lullaby to our
"Bichali Sri Appanacharya
Priya Mantralaya Sri Raghavendraya Namaha"
The repair
work of the house of Sri Appanacharya is at progress.
Even under
such condition Devotees are coming to Bichali Japadakatti Ek Shila Brindavana.
of storeroom, dining hall and kitchen cube have already started.
The Goshaala infrastructure is ready.
Good News to all of us from the auspicious day of Deepavali
the Naivedya, Vaishavadeva,
Hastodaka and Anna Daana
has begun at the Japadakatti.
Our Cows and
the calves of the Japadakatti are quite safe, hail
and healthy in our Bhikshaalaya - Bichali.
[October 14, 2009]
- Again the Tungabhadra is forcefully flowing
with red muddy water. But no danger of spate.
- The repair work of the house of Sri Appanacharya is gained momentum.
- Even under such condition Devotees are
visiting to Bichali Japadakatti
towards the Darshana of the most holy Ek Shila Brindavana
of Rayaru.
- Construction of storeroom, dining hall and
kitchen cube have already started.
- When this comes to a level the Goshaala
also will be resumed shortly.
- Very Good News to all of us from the
auspicious day of Deepavali the Naivedya, Vaishavadeva, Hastodaka and Anna Daana
will be resumed at the Japadakatti.
- Our Cows and the calves of the Japadakatti are quite safe, hail and healthy in our Bhikshaalaya - Bichali.
[October 12, 2009]
- Men and Material are at work in Japadakatti Bichali.
- For the construction of store room, dining
- Even
under such condition Devotees are coming to Bichali Japadakatti Ek Shila Brindavana.
- Repair works of the house of Sri Appanacharya
will resume from tomorrow
- When
this comes to a level the Goshaala also will be
resumed shortly.
[October 11, 2009]
- The whole Sanctum of Japadakatti
is cleaned.
- Divine routine is geared up. Pooja,Alankara,Naivedya,Hastodaka.
- The
repair work of the house of Sri Appanacharya
- Construction of Store room, dining hall,
Cooking cube, Goshaala will start from Thursday
- The Vamshasthharu
Sri Ramacharya and his brother Sri Krishnacharya are busy in cleaning, repairing to
restore Normalcy at Bichali.
- Two Lakhs cusecs
of water released from Tungabhadra dam. Tomorrow the water level may come
and touch Japadakatti Rayara
- Sanyyasi Katti is clearly
visible in Tungabhadra as the trees have sweeped
away by flood.
- Though the flood has damaged a lot water
entered in the whole village
of Bichali
, the Eyes and Naama
of Sri Narasimhadevaru and the Eyes and all the Naamas of Rayara Ek Shila Brindavana
are quite safe. Generally when we touch during Abhisheka
they fall on the ground. But see the Miracle of Rayaru.
- Rayaru protected Bichali Japadakatti Sanctum
1. The fury of the flood is unimaginable. Several
trees washed away. Roads are all washed away. Many houses have collapsed.Even the strong iron and Steel beams have become
2. But all the Divine Idols of Japadakatti and Ek Shila Brindavana are standing
majestically and quite safe.
3. Regular Sacred Routine will be resumed
- Most of the houses in Bichali
have experienced the devastation of the flood
- Though the
Flood is receding still the Holy Japadakatti
is in the Abhisheka
of Mother Tungabhadra and Japadakatti sanctum is
quite safe.
- Though several houses have washed away the
oldest house of Sri Appanacharyaru has experienced minor damages
- Compliments to the foresight and quick
decision and action of Sri Badadha Ramacharya the staff, the cows and calves are quite
Pray to Mantralaya
Sri Rayaru and Bichali Sri Appanacharyaru to restore normalcy and resume regular
devotional activities as per the Sadaachaara of our
Sri SriMadacharyaru.
- The incessant rain caused overflow to all
the rivers including tributaries so Tungabhadra is in spate our Bichali Ek Shila Brindavana of Rayaru adjacent to the Tungabhadra is completely in
water from Today morning.
- Now we find 8 feet water above the most
scared Ek
Shila Brindavana of Rayaru.
- Above the pump house the office room of Japadakatti is fully immersed in water
- Go-Shaala is in
water including the whole fodder of the cattle. All the cows and calves
have been taken care by Vamshashthharu and they
are at safe location
- The house of Sri Appancharayaru
is getting immersed in water. We can see only the upper wall and the roof of the house.
|| Bhikshaalaya
Sri Appanacharya PriyaMantralaya
Sri RaghavendraTheertha Gurubhyo
Namaha ||