: 17 Aug 2006
The sacred routine of Bhikshaalaya Sri Appanacharya
after the Brindavana Pravesha of Rayaru in Mantralaya,Sri Raghavendra Stotras
Rachana and the Bichchale Rayara Brindavana are described in
The Great Guru Sri Raghavendra Gurusarvabhoumaru
entered Brindavana in Mantralaya on Shraavana Krishna Dwiteeya. On that
day when the construction of Brindavana was at the last phase, our great
devotee Bhikshaalaya Appanacharya came to Mantralaya. He could not see
his beloved Guru Rayaru. His heart was crying and immersed in the realm of the
days spent with Rayaru. He plunged in deep grief and could not speak out more.
Appanacharya’s GuruStotra was stopped for a while and Rayaru from
the Brindavana completed the Stotra by saying SAAKSHIHAYASTOTRAHI.
that day onwards there was a great change in the life of Sri Appanacharya. He
was thinking, looking at somewhere and always seemed ANTARMUKHI. Hided
the feelings and emotions. Actually the heart of Bichchale Appanacharya was in
Mantralaya : MANAVU MANTRALAYADALI: Bichchale Sri Appanacharya the
treasure of knowledge was fully immersed in the treasure of bhakti. The bhakti
towards Rayaru and the ecstasy of love made him to compose the most valuable
stotras :
Sri Raghavendra Stotra-Guru Stotra already composed
Sri Raghavendra Kavacha
Sri Raghavendra Ashtottara Shata Naamaavali
Sri Raghavendra Ashtakshara Japa Krama
Sri Raghavendra Mangalashtaka.
are the great works, rendered by Sri Appanacharya to the World.
the stotras of Bichchale Appanacharya are the best. The divine personality,Sri
Hari Bhakti of Mantralaya Rayaru are quite visible, impress and always
remain in our inward eyes. Such is the descriptive style of our Appanacharya
which is quite appealing and appeasing. This great devotee’s
contribution to the bhakta loka is always remembered as long as the sun and the
moon are there. The gnyaana (knowledge),pratibha(imagination) and the abundant
rich vocabulary(Shabda Bhadaara) of Bichchale Sri Appanacharya are all moulded
in the bhakti of Mantralaya Rayaru. Here we find the close association and
affection between our Mantralaya Rayaru and Bichchale Appanacharyaru.
is really a divya chetana and attained the Paramaanugraha of Sri
Raghavendrateertharu. Rayaru has agreed to the wordings of GURUSTOTRA. When we
imagine the saying of Saakshi Hayastotrahi we become quite emotional the
hairs on our body will become straight ! What a great soul is our
Appanarya ! Rayaru purposely sent Appanacharya for MadhwaSanchara so as to be
away from Mantralaya and Bichchale. If Appanacharya was there he could not see
the Brindavana Pravesha and could not bear the separation. More over
Appanacharya would not have allowed Rayaru to enter the Brindavana. So knowing
all these things fully Rayaru made this arrangement at the time of Brindavana
routine, the schedule of Bichchale Appanacharya was fully occupied by
Mantralaya and Mantralaya Rayaru. Daily coming to Mantralaya from Bichchale.
Darshana seva of Rayaru became part and parcel of his main job.Merciful Rayaru
looked at Appanacharya what an amount of strain he is taking daily. Appanacharya
has to swim to cross the river Tungabhadra. During rainy season Tungabhadra
will be overflowing and spate. Rayaru was highly pleased for the constant
Bhakti and the unaltered faith of Appanacharya.
night Rayaru appeared in the dream of Appanacharya and said "do not
come to Mantralaya. The Sacred JAPADAKATTE at Bichchale on the bank of
Tungabhadra where we used to sit and talk is quite comfortable owing to the
sanctity, profound silence, the abundant nature’s
gift, do the Pratishthaapana ( installation) of Shila Brindavana. On the
JAPADAKATTE I will give Darshana to you there only."
Appanacharya did the pratisthaapana ( installation) of Brindavana
on the JAPADAKATTE. Always engaged in the seva of Rayaru at JAPADAKATTE
Rayaru showed the "Jyoti (light) in the Bichchale Brindavana and said
to Appanacharya that I am here only." .Even now the staunch
devotees of Rayaru have experienced the Jyoti in Bichchale .Such great
punyaatmas are there even now!
loved, liked , favoured, blessed Bhikshaalaya Appanacharya to the maximum....
will be continued in the next Mantralaya series
Shraavana Krishna
Dwiteeya Rayara Naija Vimala Mahimeya Rayara Paramaanugrha Padeda Vandu Dina Kanasinali Rayaru |