: 09 Aug 2006
The Brindavana Pravesha of Sri Guru
Raghavendrateertha on Thursday Shraavana Krishna Paksha Dwiteeya,
the grief of Sri Appanacharya: Shokaha Shlokatvamaagataha :the
Pathhana of GURUSTOTRA, Spontaneous overflow of Sri Rayara Stotra are
described in Bhikshaalaya(8).This is a Special Devotional Samarpana to our
Guiding Power Sri Mantralaya Rayaru on the eve of the 335th.Aardhana
As per the wordings of Sri Raghavendraru Bhikshaalaya
(Bichchale) Appanacharya went to Madhwa sanchaara to propagate the
teachings of Sri Madacharya. On the other side , Diwan Venkanna was busy
towards the preparations in Sri Matha in Mantralaya on the bank of the
sacred Tungabhadra river equal to the Sarayu
Shraavana Bahula Dwiteeya was nearing, the clouds on the sky gathered thickly,
the day appeared like the evening, streams of devotees rushed to Mantralaya to
get the last darshana of Rayaru.They were in deep sorrow and actually weeping.
Varuna Deva also joined with the devotees with heavy showers on that occasion.
The whole atmosphere was feeling sorrowful as they cannot see Rayaru in
future as they are seeing now.
gathered devotees never cared for heavy rains, their clothes were wet, as they
were fully wet in rain and anxiously seeing Rayaru, listening the wordings
of Rayaru. Rayaru said to Venkanna to protect the devotees from the rain
and provide shelter. There were no shaamiyaana (tents) at that time, Venkanna
made the shelter with the thick and large branches of trees and made all the
arrangements of the devotee’s stay and food etc. in accordance
with advice of Rayaru.
is quite heartening to note that even on the day of Shraavana Bhaula
Bidige also Rayaru was quite cheerful in his routine with a smile.
Performed the pooja of Sri Moola Rama Devaru,delivered the last speech to the
devotees and asked to follow the Tatvas of Sri Madacharya. Rayaru said to
Venkanna that the time is approaching very fast for Brindavana Pravesha
and asked Venkanna Bhikshaalaya Appancaharya had come or not ? Though Rayaru
had sent him for Madhwa Sanchaara ! Appanacharya was very closely
associated to Rayaru and the heart of Rayaru was throbbing to see
Appanacharya. Sri Appancharya was elder to Sri Rayaru in age. Taking into
consideration of profound knowledge, devotion and ability Rayaru intended
and wanted Appanacharya to be his successor and also asked ! but Appanacharya
told that he still wants to enjoy the worldly life. Then Rayaru said alright:
Tathhaastu and dropped the idea.
Shraavana Bahula Bidige Sri Raghavendraswamigalu handed over the charge of
Moola Rama,Sri Matha- Mantralaya to Sri Yogeendrateertharu and was ready to
enter the Divya Brindavana, the devotees were in tears, crying, Venkanna’s
face was pale and weeping as they cannot see Rayaru for ever. After the
completion pooja sat with Yoga Mudra, asked to Venkanna to start the
construction of Brindavana. Even at that hour Gururaya asked about Bichchale
Appanacharya !
Appanacharya who was in Madhwa sanchaara heard the news that His most beloved
Guru Sri Raghavendraru has decided for Brindavana pravesha on Shraavana Krishna
Paksha Dwiteeya Thursday in Mantralaya.It came as great shock that as though a
thunderbolt has fallen on him. "Oh ! !My Gururaya what you have
decided this?" wept like a child, legs lead to Mantralaya
immediately .He was in deep sorrow, owing to their close association. He knew
Rayaru fully ! His Shoka towards Rayaru spontaneously overflowed in
Rayara Guru Stotra: Skokaha Shlokatvamaagataha : that is went on
pronouncing pathhana of Guru Stotra by Ashu Kavitva. At that time the
river Tungabhadra was in full spate: remembered Rayaru: OM SRI
RAGHAVENDRAAYA NAMAHA spread a panche (cloth to wear) on the
river and walked on that with his shishyas to Mantralaya. Tungabhadra calmly
paved the way to this great devotee Sri Appanacharya. He crossed and reached
the Mantralaya by the Anugraha of Rayaru,that much of firm faith Appana had
towards his Guru Mantralaya Rayaru. It is very rare to find such a combination
of Rayaru and Appanacharyaru.
the time Appanacharya reached Mantralaya the last stone of Brindavana was
placed and the construction of Brindavana came to an end. He could not see his
affectionate Guru, his grief exploded. He was chanting the following
immediately, became dumb ,he could not speak out any more, Rayaru sitting in
the Brindavana knew all this and said:SAAKSHI HAYA STOTRAHI and
completed the stotra. The meaning of of this is "Sri Hayavadana Roopi Sri
Hari is the witness for all the sentences of GURUSTOTRA. We devotees can say
this as the signature, stamp and approval of Mantralaya Rayaru for the
stotra made by the great devotee Sri Appanacharyaru.
that day onwards that is since 335 years Rayaru is in Mantralaya for the sake
of the devotees of the universe.... will be continued in the next Mantralaya
Bichchale Appanacharyaru Innu Munde Rayaranu Eega Shraavana Bahula Bidige Guruvaara Itta Madhwa Sancharadaliruva Bichchale Appanacharyaru Medhaavi |