: 02 Aug 2006
Mantralaya Sri Raghavendraswami’s
happiest days in Mantralaya, frequent visit to Bhikshaalaya for Sri
Appanacharya,the divine cordial affectionate relationship of two great chetanas
are described in Bhikshaalaya(7).
Diwan Venkanna constructed the Sri Matha for Rayaru as
per the will and wish in Mantralaya, Sri Raghavendrateertharu’s
sacred routine - holy dip in the Tungabhadra river,paathha,granthha rachana,Sri
Moola RamaDevaru’s pooja with devotion are all
highly remarkable. The stream of devotees was visiting Mantralaya, Rayaru
patiently listened to them, solved their problems and made miracles by the
Grace of Sri Hari in the welfare of the devotees at large.
was always antarmukhi,thinking about Sri Hari, Sri Madacharya philosophy. His
heart was throbbing for the poor and the needy. Staying Manchale Rayaru visited
Bichchale, Panchamukhi frequently. In Gaanadhaalu Panchamukhi Rayaru did
Tapasya.There Rayaru attained the Saakshaatkaara of Panchamukhi PranaDevaru.
Here we will find Varaaha ,Garuda on right side and Narasimha, Hayavavadana to
the left side of Sri PranaDevaru. So the PranaDeva is Panchamukhi. Thus made it
clear to the whole universe that Sri Vayu Devaru-HanumanthaDevaru-Sri
Madacharya is having the fullest support and Anugraha of Sri Hari. Our Rayaru
is really sacred and great in getting divya darshana. At the same spot Rayaru
prayed kulaswami Tirumala SrinivasaDevaru and got PRATYAKSHA DARSHANA at
described and detailed the importance of the village Manchale-Mantralaya-Siddhi
kshetra to diwan Venkanna. The place where Rayara Brindavana is existing today
is quite holy. This is the place where Sri Prahladarajaru has performed yaaga.
Rayaru said to Venkanna - "dig here you will find the remainings of that
Yaaga". After digging Venkanna astonished and found the ash- angaara of
yagna and also RudraDevaru.Prahladarajaru has performed the pooja of this
RudraDevaru - Shivalinga. Rayaru suggested to Venkanna to take this Shivalinga
and do the Pratishthhaapana at the right side of PranaDevaru. Rayaru said to
Venkanna that his Brindavana should be constructed at this very place and said
to diwan Venkanna that he will enter the Brindavana SASHAREERA,wish to
reside in Brindavana in Yogamudra to protect the devotees. Slowly now Venkanna
realised that for the sake of all this Rayaru has taken keen interest in asking
Mantralaya and finally got by the Nwab of Adoni Siddi Masood khan.
from the day of residing in Mantralaya Rayaru was visiting Bichchale
frequently. As days passed on they became very close, intimate and
cordial relationship went on increasing. They both cannot bear the separation
of each other. Always Sri Appanacharya was requesting RAYARU to sit on the
JAPADAKATTE and our Appanacharya will squat before him and fell on the feet of
Rayaru with sampurna samarpana bhaava. Completely understood Rayaru, they
became so friendly, divinely and felt that they cannot live each other without
seeing a single day.
decided to enter Brindavana on Shraavana Krishna Paksha Dwiteeya Thursday and
thought that in the presence of Appanacharya his Brindavana Pravesha will be
very difficult and not possible. Appanacharya will object and get him back.
More over Appanacharya is unable to bear the Pravesha of Brindavana.He will
never allow Rayaru to enter Brindavana. He will be highly grief stricken as he
is much attached than all. Though Rayaru desired his presence on that day
purposely to avoid him on that occasion sent him for MADHWA SANCHAARA -
propagation of Madhwa Philosophy-Tatvas-Harisarvottama and Vayujeevottama.
Appanna surprised why Rayaru has selected him and sending for this when there
are many others are for this.
soon as Appanacharya went for Madhwa Sanchaara Rayaru called Venkanna and said
that on Shraavana Krishna Paksha Dwiteeya he desires enter Brindavana, convey
the message to the devotees. Make all the arrangements for Brindavana Pravesha.
Stream of satvikas rushed towards Mantralaya to obtain the last darshana of
Gururayaru. Though Rayaru had sent Appanacharya for MadhwaSanchaara Rayaru
wished for the arrival of his most dear shishya ... will be continued in the
next Mantralaya series
Sri Mantralaya Kshetrake PANCHAMUKHI TAPADA Agedaaga Yaaga Kundada Kuruhu Dinavoo Bhikshaalayake Hogi |