: 27 July 2006
Sri Raghavendrateertha’s
arrival to Adoni.Diwan Venkanna’s hospitality,Sri Moola Rama Deva’s pooja and the
meeting of the two great stalwarts in Bichchale Sri Rayaru and Sri Appanacharya
are described in Mantralaya (134)-Bhikshaalaya(5).
Rayaru after the completion of the sacred yatras of
Badari,Kasi, Rameshwara,Tirupati,Kolhapur,Pandharapur,Mannaaragudi etc. and the
Pavitra Snaana (Sacred Bath) of all the sacred rivers and the Teerthaas for the
second time, felt extremely happy in Kumbhakonam, called all the devotees and
the satvikas of Kumbhakonam and blessed wholeheartedly and conveyed that he is
leaving Kumbhakonam, they were shocked to hear this news from Rayaru. They felt
unhappy that they will miss Rayaru. Amidst the tears of large devotees Rayaru
left Kumbhakonam and proceeded to Adoni - the bank of the River Tungabhadra.
Venkanna was eagerly waiting to welcome warmly. Venkanna owing to his diwan
status arranged a grand procession of Mantralaya Rayaru upto his house. He
surrendered to Rayaru with devotion and emotion. Kind Rayaru magnified and
glorified his life and living of this great devotee Venkanna. Rayaru was the
Aaraadhya daiva of Venkanna.Venkanna gave a big announcement in the town of
entire Adoni moved to the residence of Venkanna to witness the Pooja of Rayaru.
The Nawab also came to Venkanna’s house with his family.By the
Grace of Sri Hari Rayaru did a miracle on that day and marked a great turning
point in the life of the Nawab. Amidst the huge gathering of the devotees the
Nawab of Adoni enterd the hall of worship with a golden plate covered with silk
cloth and placed before the pooja. Actually the Nawab has filled in the plate
mutton and eggs which are nishiddha. Rayaru performed the pooja with profound
devotion and joy. When Rayaru arrived at the phase of Naivedya Rayaru simply
did the prokshana of water to that golden plate and asked to remove the silk
cloth. The Nawab was perturbed and Venkanna was also afraid that what will
happen? To the great surprise of all , the mutton and eggs were turned into
fruits and flowers. The Nawab simply surrendered and requested Rayaru to
excuse him for his great blunder. Repented a lot. The Nawab of Adoni became the
devotee of Rayaru and said whatever you ask I am ready to offer ! Then Rayaru
said ok! I will ask when the time comes.
the gathered devotees and the Diwan Venkanna.The joy of Venkanna cannot be
described in words. Further he accompanied to the Yatra of Madhavaram,Manchale,Gaanadhaalu
and Bichchale. When Rayaru visited Bhikshaalaya simply gave his heart to the
sanctity and to the natural beauty. The river Tungabhadra while flowing
forceful through rocks murmur. The surrounding trees and especially the
JAPADAKATTE. The whole panorama of Bichchale made Rayaru to remember the by
gone days of sanctity. Aparoksha Gnyaani Gururayarau became highly emotional
and devotional. Praised the Routine of Sri Appanacharya.
Appanacharya had heard about Rayaru .The meeting of these two great dynamic
personalities in Bichchale was a record in the history. They both came close
together. Soon grew intimacy, loved heart to heart. Sri Appanachary with great
regard and respect asked Rayaru to sit on the JAPADAKATTE surrendered completely
by saashtaanga namaskara. Sri Appanacharya at that moment only confirmed that
Sri Raghavendrateertharu is his guru, aaraadhya daiva, well wisher, friend,
philosopher, guide and sarvaswa for him. Today when we see Rayara Brindavana in
Bichchale-Bhikshaalaya on the JAPADAKATTE on the bank of the sacred
Tungabhadra, the same image, reminiscences fill our heart. Rayaru appreciated
the knowledge, affection towards the students, concern about their lessons,
their feeding, the Gurukula,Vatavraksha, the siddhi,shuddhi and sankalpa of Sri
Appanacharya. The attachment was so much that they were reluctant to separate
from each other. Sri Appanacharya became a close associate of Rayaru, very near
and very dear. By the arrival of Rayaru Bhikshaalaya JAPADAKATTE and Appanacharya
became the part and parcel of Sri Raghavendrateertharu.
Rayaru reminded Venkanna that the Nawab intends to offer something. So ask him
to hand over Manchale and Rayaru said he wants Manchale only. Venkanna said why
this barren rocky place which is not at all fertile and can have other place ?.
Rayaru said to Venkanna that he wants only Manchale and will detail the
importance of Manchale later.
per the will and wish of Rayaru Venkanna handed over the entire village
Manchale from the Nawab of Adoni to Rayaru, constructed the Matha - the today’s
existing Matha, made arrangements for the residence of brahmins, shrotriyas and
became kruta krutya,dhanya. Venkanna satisfied that he has acted in accordance
with the wordings of Rayaru. Venkanna really a great man and that was his punya
and the blessings of Mantralaya Rayaru. From that day onwards Sri
Raghavendrateertharu lived in Manchale-Mantralaya by the divine blessings of
Manchalemma. Manchalemma is Yellamma the KulaDevata of Sri Raghavendrateertharu
of Gautama Gotra. ... will be continued in the next Mantralaya series
Badari Kasi Rameshwara Venkannana Maneyalli Samaya Bandaaga Heluvenu Indu JAPADAKATTEYA Rayara Divya Guru Raghavendraru Diwan |