: 20 July 2006
The two great personalities, divya Chetana’s
busy schedule of our Sri Mantralaya Rayaru in Kumbhakonam and Sri
Appanacharyaru in Bhikshaalaya are described in Bhikshaalaya(4)
Bhuvanagiri,Kumbhakonam,Madhurai,Tanjore ,etc are
the temple cities and the temple towns in Tamil Nadu. It has attracted the
satvika bhaktas, people of art and artists. Veena Timmannabhatta’s
son Sri Venkatabhattaru: Sri Vijayeendra Karaabjothha Sudheendra
Varaputrakaha: Sri Vijayeendrateertharu was well versed in sixtyfour
kalas, gave yati ashrama to Sri Sudheendrateertharu. The most remembered
Sri Sudheendrateertharu gave yati ashrama to Sri Venkatabhattaru and
named as Sri Raghavendrateertharu. As per the divine will and wish Sri
Raghavendrateertharu resided in Kumbhakonam on the sacred bank of Kaveri. The
busy schedule of Rayaru was noble, sacred and praise worthy by one and all.The
satvikas of Kumbhakonam were simply stunned and hypnotised for the routine of
this great Hari Bhakta.
Raghavendrateertharu will get up between 3-4 a.m. in the early morning at the
Brahmi Muhurta. After Mruttika Shoucha straight Rayaru was going to the sacred
river Kaveri and will have the holy dip, perform the aahneeka sitting on the
bank of Kaveri. While returning to Sri Matha Rayaru chanted mantras in a
dignified, devotional style. The satvikas of Kumbhakonam never missed this
great opportunity of seeing Rayaru, they enjoyed and surrendered to Rayaru with
gratitude. What an amount of fortune and punya they have acquired! They are
really great.
lessons, Paathha-Pravachana, the essence of Acharya philosophy and sarva moola
grantha were all read and taught by Sri Gurasarvabhoumaru with devotion and
complete involvement. At about 12=00 noon again bath in the Sri Matha and
Rayaru performed the MoolaRama devara pooja with all grandeur and forget
himself and was attaing the state of samadhi,dhyaanastha,dhayanamagna. Then
naivedya, hastodaka to Sri Vijayeendrateertharu and anna santarpanae to all the
devotees. Rayaru was taking very limited food as per the norms of yati
dharma.After food Rayaru will again indulge in studies. Again at 4=00p.m.
lessons to the shishyas till 6=00p.m. Between 6=00p.m. and 7=00p.m.Rayaru will
meet the Devotees and the Visitors,Console them, interact and advice with
Divine Smile.After this the evening bath in Sri Matha-Sri Moola Ramara Pooja
Tottilu Seva (Cradle Seva) and the samarpana of sachchaastra seva,sangeeta
seva. Rayaru himself was playing the Veena and offered the seva. Rayaru blessed
with phala mantrakshatae to all the devotees.
night even in the late hours Rayaru was engaged in the writing work - Kruti
Rachana. Sleep only about 3-4 hours. Always thinking about Sri Hari in all the
avasthhas. The day’s 24 hours were in the seva of Sri
Hari and the welfare of the people. So the noble and the sacred routine of Sri
Raghavendrateertharu in Kumbhakonam on the bank of Kaveri has hoisted the
Dhwaja (Flag) of divine spirit of Sri Madacharya,culture and Harisarvottama.
Bhikshaalaya (Bichchale) Sri Appanacharyaru was teaching vedas,upanishadas and
Sri Madacharya tatvas to his beloved shishyas.These two great
chetanas-personalities were highly busy in their schedule in their own style.
Aparoksha Gnyaani Gururaya fully knowing all this decide to go to Adoni and
meet diwan venkanna . Rayaru sent the arrival message and started the journey
from the Kaveri bank Kumbhakonam to the Tungabhadra bank
Bhichchale-Manchale-Madhavaram and Gaanadhaalu. Tunga and Bhadra joined
together and became Tungabhadra for powerful flow , in the same way our Sri
Raghavendrateertharu joined Sri Appanacharya in Bichchale to glorify and
magnify the bhakti of Sri Hari-Harisarvottama-Vayujeevottama, there by Sri
Appancharya became the dearest and the nearest shishya of Sri Rayaru with
affection. Rayaru was highly pleased and praised for the most enlightened
imagination, knowledge, devotion and vocabulary of Bhikshaalaya Appanacharya. .
.will be continued in the next Mantralaya Series
Tamilu Naadina Uoru Sri Mathake Barutalae Saayankaala Matte Sri Raghavendraru Kaveri Teerada |