: 05 July 2006
The appropriation of Bhikshaalaya
to the place (village) and the routine of Sri Appanacharyara
the teacher and the taught are described in Bhikshaalaya(2).
is glowing in the midst of Nature with sacred pouranika
(epic ) background on the auspicious bank of the Tungabhadra. Here Sri Appanacharya,contemporary of Sri Mantralaya
Rayaru has taken birth in Bhikshaalaya.
A sober, satvika,sajjana,HariBhakta,
gnyaani Sri Appanacharya,
perfection of imaginative creativity always engaged in adhyayana and adhyaapana. Indulged in the noble cause of GNYAANA DAANA.
those days students have to reside in the shelter and shree
rakshae of great Gurus. So students from all the
places rushed to Bhikshaalaya for the sake of Sri Appanacharya. Always in the midst of his
students, beautiful scene to be seen and enjoyed. That much of craze for
the students towards Appanacharya! It shows how great
he was?
Appanacharya had a house to live and wet lands that
is betel leaf garden to meet out livelihood of his family. As day by day his
students increased in huge numbers, Appanacharya
asked the Shishyas to go from house to house and say OM BHAVATI BHIKSHAAYAN DEHI and
collect the rice. In those days there was no tuition fees, capitation fees,
donation etc. This trend has developed in this modern
age. Shishyas were obeying and following the wordings
of Guru with affection, honesty, sincerity. So
the Gurus have imparted and inculcated all the Knowledge to their students what all they were owning with pride and honour. The flow of Tungabhadra
is a continuous musical fete on this sacred spot under the cool, thick shadow
Sri Appanacharya sitting on the JAPADAKATTE has
taught his students with smile, patience,
enthusiasm with complete involvement. Appanachary
used to forget himself .All were actually stunned for the style and the
teaching mode.
already said the Shishyas wre
going to the houses saying OM BHAVATI BHIKSHAAYAN DEHI- for this
the village got the name Bhikshaalaya - houses of Bhikshaa. The women were actually waiting at the doors of
their houses to offer Bhikshaa to the students of Appanacharya. Appancharya was Asking the students to put all the Bhikshaa rice in a big cloth bag (JOLIGE) and tie it to the
branch of the VataVraksha. To prepare rice fire (Agni) is not required. The Great Guru Sri Appanacharya praying Sri Annapurneshwari with devotion,sitting on
the JAPADAKATTE sprinkled (Prokshana) the water to
the tied bag of the rice. The food is ready to have the meals.
the thick shadow Sri Appanacharya sitting on the
JAPADAKATTE TEACHING THE students is a scene to
be remembered always in life. What a noble work Sri Appanacharya
has done! For what a noble cause the residents of Bhikshaalaya
Village Have liberally offered Bhikshaa to the
students! After the completion of the lessons, Sri Appanacharya
was performing the pooja-naivedya. With pleasure
sitting along with his students he was taking his meals. What a simple man,
what a sacred routine ! Really the students of this
Guru Sri Appanacharya have made lot of Punya-they are really great and grateful.
Bhikshaalaya is full of sanctity by the Tungabhadra
river, JAPADAKATTE,UgraNarasimhaDevaru,PranaDevaru,SheshaDevaru,
Sri Raghavendrateertharu of Mantralaya
and Sri Appanacharya. Proclaiming
Harisarvottama-Vayujeevottama to the whole universe.
The JAPADAKATTE lessons were very dear, important and sacred to the students.
So on the bank of Tungabhadra in Bichchale
there was always a huge crowd of Shishyas with Sri Appanacharya. The greatness of Bhikshaalaya
will be continued in the next Mantralaya Series.
Pouraanika Hinneleya Sri Appanacharyaru Andu
Guruvannu Hiridaagi
Bhaktiyali Hari Pooje
Naivedyavanu |