: 30 Aug 2006
The offerings of favourite dishes to Rayaru by
Bhikshaalaya Sri Appanacharya and the devotee’s
faith regarding the rebirths of Sri Appanacharya are described here in the
Series of Bhikshaalaya(11).
Sri Appanacharya lived at the sanctum of JAPADAKATTE of
Bhikshaalaya always in the remembrance and the realm of great Guru Sri
Raghavendrateertharu of Mantralaya. There we will see VARALU and RUBBUGUNDU - a
hole in the stone of 3 inches diameter and a round stone to grind dal
etc. Our Rayaru was fond of dal chatni. Sri Appanacharya himself with
interest and affection was grinding the dal chatni and used to offer to the
naivedya of Moola Rama Devaru and Rayaru will accept that as prasad.
Appanacharya continued the same to offer Hastodaka to the Ek Shila Brindavana
of Rayaru with all devotion till his last breath. The taste of Mantralaya
Rayaru was fully known to Appanacharya , the Hastodaka offering was accepted
whole heartedly. Hastodaka means:
Hastae Jalam Daddyaat Daddyaat
Yati Bhunjatae
Tatra Bhunjatae.
all we offer to Yati with sankalpa and devotion, Yati will accept and eat. What
Yati accepts Hari will accept and eat gladly. So Hastodaka is really
great. Bhikshaalaya Appanarya followed this most sacred routine at the
JAPADAKATTE till his last breath.
already said each and every word of Sri Gurustotra have come like a spontaneous
overflow by Appanacharyaru, knew the siddhi, knowledge, heart,vairaagya,
affection and ability of Rayaru. The main aim of Rayaru is to
help, protect, uddhaara and the upliftment of the devotees. This message is fairly
conveyed through GURUSTOTRA by Appanacharya.Actually Rayaru desired
Appanacharya to be his successor and asked also, but Appanacharya refused to
accept owing to his desire of materialistic life and enjoyment. When
Appanacharya desired this Mantralaya Rayaru granted the same, as a result of
this Appanacharya was born in England-BHOGA BHOOMI-as Sir Thomas Munro. It is
strongly believed by the satvikas and the devotees that Bichchale Appanacharya
was born as Sir Thomas Munro in
per the desire of materialistic the soul of Appanacharya was again
born as the Deshpande of Karajagi. Abundant wealth, property and fairly
rich, a beautiful wife. Added to this he enjoyed the marital happiness with the
other woman and always spent the time there only.
Sri Gopala Dasaru and Sri Vijaya Dasaru had been to Mantralaya for Rayara
Darshana. Night Rayaru appeared in the dream and asked to go to Karajagi a
great devotee and a friend of yours is fully drowned-immersed in the worldly
life. So wake him up, lift him from that. As per the dream they went to
Karajagi. Deshpande’s wife warmly welcomed. Accepted
the hospitality. After pooja, naivedya,hastodaka and mangalarati Deshpande came
to the house riding a six feet white horse. He took bath and took meals with
the DASAS. The wife told to Deshpande mildly in low voice that Dasas have
arranged the Bhajan in the evening and asked to attend. Generally he was
not favouring such Bhajans and never attended. But this time he gladly accepted
and attended the Bhajan well in time. As per the protocol the Bhajans began.
The Dasas sang in one of the songs that conveyed : "what has happened
in the past is past , now wake up, awake,arise and remember the past ."
After hearing this song from the Aparoksha Gnyaani Dasaru-the incidents of
previous Janmas including Appanacharya were all realised to this Karajagi
Deshpande. Karajagi Deshpande abandoned the worldly pleasures in life and
became Dasa Karajagi Dasaru- fell in the flow of the divine Bhakti of Sri
Hari and Mantralaya Rayaru.
is further believed that Appanacharya after Sir Thomas Munro and after Karajagi
Deshpane-Karajagi Dasaru again born in Gautama Gotra Shaashtika
Vamsha(Mantralaya Rayara Vamsha) as Sri Supragnendracharya ,Sri
Sujatyeendrateertharu made him as his successor and named as Sri
Sushameendrateertharu that too in the sanctum of Bhikshaalaya Bichchale at
we look into all these incidents we come to a conclusion that a Great soul
where ever and whenever it may take birth it will exhibit its Greatness
in all the births by the blessings of Sri Mantralaya Rayaru. With all these
regards and notes remember Mantralaya Rayaru - Bichchale Appanacharya and CHANT
GURUSTOTRA. The life of Sri Appanacharya is really Holy, Sacred, Worthy owing
to the Constant and Firm Faith in Mantralaya Rayaru.... will be continued
in the next Mantralaya series
Japadakatteya Punya
Parisaradalli Bhaktiyali Taruva Drushya Yati Hastae Jalam Daddyaat Adakaagi Yati Hastodakake Mantralaya Mathake Munde Matte Padedaru Januma Karajagiya Aaru Molada Bili Kudureya Nilidu Mundae Kaalaantaradi |